Savoir&FaireVd’A begins in Aosta in October 2016 and it’s the first independent and democratic association of P.A. Personal Assistants and of O.S.S. Operatori Socio Sanitari (healthcare workers) in the Aosta Valley.


The S&F Vd’A Association was founded to reach these goals:

1) To welcome and listen to the members, to help them acquire all certifications and qualifications in accordance with legal regulations.

2) To facilitate acces to information related to the activities of P.A. and O.S.S. and with the creation of a website and the opening of an office with secretarial staff at member’s disposal.

3) To promote the learning of the Italian language to strengthen the skills of understanding and speaking.

4) To expand knowledge through training courses, scientific conferences, educational visits in the health, psycological, legal, burocratic and insurance fields aiming to integrate with urrent certificates the member’s CV.

5) To improve the management of work, to present yourself with confidence to new clients and to be prepared to sustain recruitment talks.

6) To make known in the Aosta Valley the modern image of the operators of assistance and aid, promoting the choice of suitable caregivers or tutors by households and other caregiving sites, with the publication on the website of the Association of the contacts and expertise of all the members who give their consent.

7) To engage users, family members, institutions, media, in the path of renewal and of professional profile development of P.A. and O.S.S. as well as respecting the rights and duties of ethical principles.

8) To provide all members with pleasing group meetings, confidential individual interviews for comparison and psyclogical support, necessary to cope with stress, prevent burnout and mantain wellbeing.

9) To encourage a mutual help system among members, collecting information that respond to the needs, first of all, of the foreign operators, far from their countries of origin and with difficulties of integration, looking for shared accomodation or with sudden health problems and consequent need to be replaced.

10) To organize opportunities for socializing and entertainment relevant to the enhancement of ethnic peculiarities, for intercultural exchange, recreation and relaxation.

11) To select agencies, services and business activities in the territory of the Aosta Valley to make use of economic facilitations and special discounts reserved for members.

12) To make sure that users, employers and organisations employing staff enrolled in S&F Vd’A obtain careful preparation, reliability and ethics from the assistants and operators.


“Thinks of you while you think about others.”